Table Library Full

Home Forums General Discussion How to use Uncle software Table Library Full

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    I tried to gentab a table and got the message
    Uncle: gentab 5569
    Table library is full
    Error writing to tablib

    Research says my max table library size is 6,552,200 bytes. My file is 6,400 kb so I’m close.

    Has anyone else seen this? Do you have any hints as to how to get around this problem? Anyone use PLIB? Do I get more space if I set up a PLIB?

    Thanks in advance for your help.



    Hi Janette, No hint as to your problem, but would like to discuss using Uncle in an online survey environment. Please contact me at . Thanks.
    George Grace
    Grace Market Research, Inc.


    Hi Janette,

    Uncle W09 which will be released this year allows for far greater size on the table library as Uncle will not be written in 64 bit code. You could use a different PLIB in w08 – but you can’t use both together at the same time because it can’t exceed that size at one time. If you’re still unsure – please shoot an email to us.


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